"" bshawise: M.Damon on S.Palin

Thursday, September 11, 2008

M.Damon on S.Palin

Turns out Matt Damon and I have more in common than our on again off again relationship with Benji Affleck. Since the RNC I've had this nervous, weird feeling about the choice of Gov. Palin as VP but didn't have the words for it. Jason Bourne does though and they're a perfect mix of funny but true observations. His Disney comments are spot on and I love how they make the interviewer crack up. Check it.


ylmurph said...

Matt Damon is a wise wise man. There is much we can learn from Hollywood.

Christopher Day said...

So what he's saying is that Gov. Palin may not be the best choice as VP? Huh. You mean she may NOT have been the most qualified Republican out there to put on the ticket? Weird. So John McCain MAY have picked her because she would appeal to a more broad voter base? No way!

Do you know that 9 times out of 43 Presidents the VP has had to step into the role of President? That's over 20% of the time that it happens. But it hasn't happened with the last six Presidents. Surely, it couldn't happen soon. Right???

bshawise said...

i know how much you love the Good Will and his Hunting, Smurphy. "it's not your fault."

Steve Fuller said...

I like how people bash actors as if they couldn't possibly have a brain or a rational thought. I trust Matt Damon's opinion over half the "experts" I hear in the media who constantly twist the facts to help their guy look better. Plus, Matt Damon is dreamy!

ylmurph said...

Steve, it feels like you don't like how people bash actors, but you said the opposite.

I also trust anybody that thinks like me more than the "experts" - so I'm with you.

David Rudd said...

another perspective

bshawise said...

David, I respect and appreciate your perspective. It is shared by the vast majority of the people I love. I'm not campaigning by posting the vid. Just saying I currently share the same concerns as Good Will. I'm anxious to learn more. Bring on the debates.

David Rudd said...

"bring on the debates"

absolutely. maybe we'll actually hear people talk about issues...
