I have this hopeful feeling. That's the only way I know how to dscribe it. It feels weird posting this, but a very real part me feels that in say five years or so people will know about filmmaking in Cincinnati. It'll pop up in conversations around the country. "I heard some church started making movies in Cincinnati and now it's like a thing there." Midwesterners who daydream of one day moving to LA or NYC to follow their passion will find it in their back yard. The Esquire will host premieres and the love affair for local talent starts beforehand when the indie band who wrote original music for the film plays a opening concert. People will say things, "I had no idea there was this much going on in Cincinnati." Doors will open for this local talent in the "big cities" around the US and the network will grow. Film schools around the area will promote their programs by boasting "industry experience" possibilities on the yearly Cincinnati films being produced. A film program at the Cincinnati School of Performing Arts will be created and kids will dream of breaking into the local industry. Proceeds will be used to help the community in tangible ways. There will be a buzz in the neighborhood coffee shops and bars- a sense of pride about the next project and about the city- a feeling of expectation. And for a little while people will say things like, "It's so weird that a church is doing this." But after awhile no one will think twice. It'll just be about the city and this "unexpected" thing that is happening. A few of us will know the backstory. And perhaps over some beers or coffee we'll marvel at what God did.
I love it!
On a boat.
Can I please be the key grip? Please?
cheer up.
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