The only reason dogs haven't gone extinct (killed off by justified humans) is that they're so frustratingly cute. If puppies looked like toads, dogs would be nothing more than faint memories on the walls of pyramids. If Lola looked and smelled like a catfish I would've wrapped her in newspaper and thrown her down a sewer by now. But she doesn't. She looks like a floppy Christmas morning. That's the only reason the little demon is alive.
Makes me think that God must see us the same way. He puts up with us ruining all his stuff, and only listening when it's convenient, and crapping on his couch because he finds us so frustratingly cute. Otherwise, he'd off us like he did those dinosaurs. Meteor style. They looked like toads with car-sized teeth as puppies.
Made me laugh out loud. You're right of course. Missed that whole part about us being made in the image of God and that might have something to do with why he keeps us around, but other than that...
love this analogy.
See why you are smitten...what a doll! I have 2 lovies of my own and every day they grab my heart more and more.
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