Two men set out this past Thursday evening with two unique yet similar missions. One man wanted to make a video so ridiculous that billions of people would watch and Oprah/Ellen would invite him on their show thus resulting in his wife becoming BFFs with said talk show hosts. Love was his mission. The other man wanted the world to stop hating wolves so much. He wanted orphans (with hi-speed internet connections) to know that wolves are dancing-machines not killing-machines. Love was mission as well. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor mission and help us accomplish our love mission. Mission impossible you ask? Not when love is a missionary. Not when love is a missionary.
Make Good Art
3 years ago
Do you do any CCR?
what is CCR?
mission accomplished here: perception of wolves changed from scary to lovable.
as for winfrey & de generes. well, they both may view it as ridiculous enough. and may be persuaded to each want their own pet wolf.
one thing then leads to another... wolf infatuation could lead to live studio invitation and development of BFF with hosts for creator's wife.
btw, good job.
dude, WHOA. free time + warehouse full of randomness + video camera = yet another feature film possibility!?!?! :-) lol. Chris in the wig and gold boa cracked me up the most
This is the best music video I've seen since Marcy Playground's "Sex and Candy"
The ambiguously Wolfy duo...
btw CCR is Creedence Clearwater Revival. Classic music of the wolf.
wiseday productions has a bright future in absurdity and good clean fun. You need to splice in Ellen doing her groove thing and then the invite is yours. Make it so.
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