"" bshawise: The Superest

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Superest

This is a lil' treat of a site. Two illustrators battle back and forth drawing superheroes that defeat each other. Start here with The Ring Leader and then click the DEFEATED BY button above him. Keep clicking till you have to get back to work. These guys are clever with their brains and pencils. I remembered this site this morning but for the life of me could not remember its name. After 27 different google searches the digital Columbo found it. Thank you, google machine.


tyler said...

Wow. So good. "The Charismatic Recruiter." It makes me wish we would've saved all the rounds of picture-pasting we'd done many moons ago.

ylmurph said...

I love this site - I spent a silly amount of time on it last night...