"" bshawise: People Scare Me

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

People Scare Me

I have a hard time believing stuff like this happens in real life. People are wacky.


tyler said...

holy truckstop batman! words elude me. it's unfortunate to see such energy wasted on looking stupid.

really? not a citizen? the GOP must've missed that one when they were perusing his background.

Steve Fuller said...

Is that a school board meeting?

It's sad when people can't accept defeat. Sad and funny. I hope that woman cries herself to sleep every night, curled up in the bedroom of her double wide, wiping away the tears with her American flag.

John Arns said...

wow! getting worked up over something so inane is completely insane. make a point on something sensible, please.

this sounds like a call for prozac.

Anonymous said...

And why is that not a legitimate request?

Steve Fuller said...


Because the election was almost 9 months ago. Because Obama was sworn in six months ago. Because his place of birth is not in question by anyone with an IQ in triple digits. Shall I go on?

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know, Anonymous #1, maybe because the copy of his birth certificate has already been made public!! Oh, and the birth announcements from the Honolulu newspaper. But I'm sure his grandparents probably secretly planned the birth announcements after they looked into their crystal ball and knew he would run for President someday. Now come on up out of your Morher's basement and let's hold a little memorial for your conspiracy theories because another one just got killed.

Christopher Day said...

If I were Brad, I would use the moniker "Anonymous" and ask questions like "and why is that not a legitimate request?" just to spark debate on my blog comment page.

In all seriousness, if Anonymous really felt that is was a legitimate request, he/she would have signed his/her name. The fear displayed in leaving the comment anonymously proves how invalid the request is.

bww said...

you guys think this kind of stuff is stupid? Be a teacher for a month, you'll get multiple crazy lady stories.

But this lady takes the cake, she is a nut job.

bshawise said...

let's get to the real facts (according to rush limbaugh or as we should all call him, the smartest man ever to live).

FACT: Obama is secretly working on overturning the restrictions on term limit (22nd amendment). He plans on being in office for at least 12 years. this is obviously true because he's friends with dictators throughout the world.

my grandfather served in WWII. i will not allow obama to ruin this country.

Jason Boys said...

This lady should be worrying about real issues like global burning and where to find the best burger in town. Clearly, she is an idiot.

Fuller, be careful with those flag jokes. They don't always go over well.

Anonymous said...


nat shaw said...

even radio bob doesn't believe in this one

Sabin said...

Jon Stewart gave em the smack down. Here's your answer, Anon #1.

bshawise said...

thanks for the vid, St. so good.